Conclusion. GitHub for Windows allows for easy access to the large and dynamic development environment that is GitHub. One part forum and one part collaborative work space, GitHub is the current and modern way for Microsoft to distribute code and facilitate the creation of scrips and code for their products.If you are a developer, then this is a must have free application.

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Windows - GitHub Pages 2019-6-5 · 如果是 Windows 7 或更早的操作系统,请运行 ShadowsocksR-dotnet2.0.exe 。 3.登录网站,点击「我的账号」页面,点击账号列表右侧「查看详细信息」,进入账号详情页。 4.复制页面中的SSR订阅地址到剪贴板。 5.鼠标右键点击系统托盘中的小飞机图标 github for windows-GitHub客户端免费下载[编程 … 2017-10-19 · GitHub免费版客户端是GitHub这个面向开源及私有软件项目的托管平台的windows客户端,由于客户端下载太慢的问题,这次提供的是GitHub免费版离线安装包,如果不能安装,请先安装微软的.NET再尝试,针对很多人没办法在线安装GitHub问题 GitHub for Windows (Windows) - Download Conclusion. GitHub for Windows allows for easy access to the large and dynamic development environment that is GitHub. One part forum and one part collaborative work space, GitHub is the current and modern way for Microsoft to distribute code and facilitate the creation of scrips and code for their products.If you are a developer, then this is a must have free application. Unity I Tell You