That said, Disconnect’s newest version is only available for Firefox and Chrome, so if you prefer Safari, IE, or Opera, we’d suggest going with Do Not Track Me instead. Advertisement

50 Best Chrome Extensions to Download in 2019 2019-4-11 · Get this extension from here. 11. Disconnect -Best Chrome Extensions. This extension would basically give you an option to block the advertising tools, analytic tools, and the cookies. In addition to this, you can disable these selectively or globally. The extension also enables you to create a blacklist and a whitelist which is surely helpful. 与本地应用通信 - Mozilla 产品与私有技术 | MDN Native messaging 可以让 extension 与安装在用户计算机上的原生应用交换信息。 原生应用仅需给 extension 提供服务,而无需在网页中可访问。 一个常见的例子是密码管理器: 原生应用负责存储和加密你的密码,并且和 extension 通信来填充网页中的表单字段。

Small programs that add new features to your browser and personalize your browsing experience.

Apr 23, 2020 · Enter chrome://extensions in the navigation bar in Chrome or use the menu button (the three vertical dots) in the upper-right corner of Chrome to access the More tools > Extensions option. Next to the extension you want to manage, slide the toggle to the left to disable it or click Remove to delete it and click again to confirm.

In the macOS menu select Chrome → Preferences. Go to the Extensions tab. Clear the Enabled check box for the extension. To delete the extension, click . Restart the browser. Firefox. Open Firefox. In the macOS menu select Tools → Add-Ons. Go to the Extensions tab. To disable the extension, click Disable. To delete the extension, click Remove.

Apr 18, 2017 · In order to install extensions manually, rather than through the Chrome Store, user's must configure Chrome to go into Developer Mode so that the extension can be installed from a local file or